
Parent Coaching
Do you have a hard time setting boundaries with your children?
Is it difficult for you to remain calm when your children have big emotions or don't do as you tell them to?
Did you grow up feeling unheard and unseen?
Do you want to build a stronger connection with your children?
Do you want to feel more joy on your parenting journey?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, Counseling for Conscious Healing could be the next step on your journey. ​
Learn to connect and enjoy more moments of parenthood with Conscious Parent Coaching. You’ll enjoy tailored guidance to foster deep connections, mindful communication, and nurturing environments for both you and your child. Elevate your parenting journey with wisdom, empathy, and positive transformation.
There is no such thing as a "perfect" parent. We do the best we can with what we know at that time. So if we want to do better, we need to learn better. Children can be our greatest teachers, which is why they can also be our biggest triggers. By becoming more self-aware, learning to regulate our own emotions, and treating our children like the amazing humans they are, we are able to create and role model a healthy and secure relationship.
"Parenting is not the path of perfecting your child. It is the path of growing yourself." - Dr. Shefali Tsabary